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General terms and conditions of business

§ 1 Scope and contractual relationship

  1. These general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as T&Cs) apply to registration on the portal and to the purchase of admission tickets and VIP tickets to sporting or other leisure events from different organizers, rights holders and/or contractual partners via the website, which is carried out by SPORTFIVE Germany GmbH, Barcastraße 5, 22087 Hamburg (hereinafter referred to as SPORTFIVE) on behalf of the respective organizer, rights holder and/or contractual partner (hereinafter referred to as CONTRACTUAL PARTNER).


2. The website (hereinafter referred to as website) is a platform operated by SPORTFIVE. Depending on the respective CONTRACTUAL PARTNER, SPORTFIVE sells the tickets solely as a commission agent or representative in the name of a third party and on behalf of the respective CONTRACTUAL PARTNER. Natural and legal persons as well as partnerships that have registered (hereinafter referred to as members) have the opportunity to make an offer to purchase tickets via the website. It is also possible to make an offer to purchase tickets using a so-called "guest access". With regard to the booked event, a contract is concluded exclusively between you and the respective CONTRACTUAL PARTNER. The general terms and conditions of the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER may apply, which you must also have read and accepted before submitting the offer. These therefore apply in addition to these terms and conditions. In the event of deviating provisions, these terms and conditions of SPORTFIVE take precedence. You will be shown who the respective CONTRACTUAL PARTNER is during the ordering process. This means that you must assert all claims regarding the event, its design or in connection with attending the event exclusively against the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER. This applies in particular to claims in connection with the cancellation or relocation of an event or program changes.


3. The conclusion of the contract between you and the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER is only possible in German or English. The contract text is saved by us after the contract has been concluded. However, it is not accessible to you on our website. Please refer to the respective terms and conditions of the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER to find out whether the contract text is also stored by the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER and is accessible to you on their website. The order data and the terms and conditions will be sent to you by email with the invoice so that you can access them and save them in a reproducible form.

§ 2 Registration as a member, subject matter and scope of the user agreement

  1. Purchasing tickets requires either the creation of a guest account or registration as a member. Guest access is created by entering personal data during the ordering process, while registration is done by opening a member account. In both cases, a contract for the use of the website (hereinafter referred to as the user agreement) is concluded between SPORTFIVE and the member. There is no right to conclude a user agreement. In the event that an order is placed using guest access, the data is only stored to process the individual order process and must be entered again for a subsequent order.


2. Registration is only permitted for legal entities, partnerships and natural persons with full legal capacity. Minors in particular are not permitted to register with


3. The data requested by during registration must be complete and correct, e.g. first and last name, current address (no PO box), a valid email address and, if applicable, the company and an authorized representative.


4. The registration of a legal entity may only be carried out by a natural person authorized to represent the entity, who must be named. When registering, only individual persons may be specified as the owner of the member account or guest access (i.e. no married couples or families).


5. If the data provided changes after registration, the member is obliged to correct the information in their member account immediately.


6. When registering with a member account, members choose a member name and password. The member name must not infringe the rights of third parties - in particular no name or trademark rights - and must not violate common decency.


7. Members must keep their password secret and carefully secure access to their member account. Members are obliged to inform SPORTFIVE immediately if there are indications that a member account has been misused by third parties.


8. SPORTFIVE will not pass on a member's password to third parties and will never ask a member for their password by email or telephone.


9. Members are generally liable for all activities that are carried out using their member account. If the member is not responsible for the misuse of their member account because there is no breach of the existing duty of care, the member is not liable.


10. A member account is not transferable.


11. SPORTFIVE reserves the right to delete member accounts of incomplete registrations after a reasonable period of time.


12. SPORTFIVE cannot be held responsible if certain data, e.g. during registration, does not reach SPORTFIVE or only reaches it incorrectly.


13. SPORTFIVE can restrict the use of the website at any time or make individual functions of the website or the extent to which individual functions and services can be used subject to certain conditions.


14. On the basis of the user agreement and these general terms and conditions, SPORTFIVE is entitled to save and process the personal data and the ticket selection entered by the member during setup or registration so that SPORTFIVE can process the offer sent to the member and send the acceptance declared on behalf of the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER. The data entered via the website is therefore used by SPORTFIVE for the purpose of the order process. Further information on the use of the data entered via the website can be found under the Data Protection section [Link].


15. The member is entitled to terminate his member account and thus also the user agreement at any time without notice by email to There is no need to state reasons.


16. SPORTFIVE reserves the right to delete user accounts that are obviously no longer used. Obviousness always exists if the member does not respond in writing despite three written requests by email to the email address registered by the member.


17. After the member account has been closed and the user agreement has been terminated, SPORTFIVE is entitled to assign an alias (user name) used by the member to other members. The member is also entitled to register again via the portal after the member account has been closed and the user agreement has been terminated.

§ 3 Conclusion of contract for the purchase of tickets

  1. The contract for the purchase of tickets is concluded exclusively between you and the respective CONTRACTUAL PARTNER or with SPORTFIVE. If events are advertised on and the sale of tickets for the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER is promised, this merely represents a non-binding invitation to you to make a purchase offer. We do not guarantee that tickets are still available for the event. The offer to conclude a contract comes from you as soon as you click on the "order with payment" dialog box at the end of the ordering process. Your offer is accepted by us as a representative for the respective CONTRACTUAL PARTNER or as a commission agent. This is done by sending you an invoice for the booked tickets to the email address you provided during registration after your order. Acceptance is therefore not yet made by the automatically generated order confirmation that you receive immediately after submitting the offer.


2. If, for whatever reason, the number of tickets you want is not available, you will be notified of this before the contract is concluded and you are no longer bound to your offer. You must then place a new order. We reserve the right to reject your offer on behalf of the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER at any time without giving reasons.

§ 4 Delivery

  1. The tickets are sent worldwide to the recipient address you have provided by a shipping service provider. The CONTRACTUAL PARTNER is responsible for selecting the shipping service provider. In the event that timely receipt of the tickets cannot be guaranteed, there is the alternative option of depositing the tickets at the event location.


2. The tickets are sent between receipt of the payment confirmation and before the event. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, information on delivery dates is non-binding.


3. If the tickets cannot be sent to you because you provided an incorrect recipient address during registration, you will bear the costs for the unsuccessful delivery. If the recipient cannot be found at the address you provided and/or the tickets do not fit in the mailbox, the tickets will be deposited in accordance with the provisions of the respective shipping service provider.


4. You are obliged to check your tickets immediately after receipt to ensure that they match your order and to notify us of any discrepancies immediately by email. You will then be sent another ticket. If no further delivery is possible due to the event being sold out, we will of course refund any payments you have made to us.

§ 5 Prices, ticket information and payment conditions

  1. The prices and other ticket information (including event dates, locations and times) listed on the website have been sent to SPORTFIVE by the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER and are subject to change. Any guarantee that this information is up-to-date and correct at the time the order is placed is expressly excluded. The sole contact person in the event of cancellation, temporal, spatial and/or scheduling changes to the event is the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER. The information printed on the ticket applies.


2. Depending on the respective CONTRACTUAL PARTNER, SPORTFIVE accepts advance payment, payment by credit card, PayPal and/or (instant) bank transfer as payment methods and sends the member a corresponding invoice after the order confirmation. SPORTFIVE uses the service provider Adyen to process the payment. The invoice contains a specific payment deadline. The tickets will only be sent once the payment has been credited to the respective SPORTFIVE account.

§ 6 Refund of purchase price, right of withdrawal

  1. A claim to return the tickets and refund of the purchase price only exists if events are cancelled or rescheduled. This claim concerns the implementation of the event and is therefore directed against the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER. In such a case, SPORTFIVE will only undertake the reversal within the framework of the contractual relationship between you and the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER, provided that the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER provides the corresponding amounts.


2. In the event of the event being cancelled without replacement, the claim to refund of the purchase price within the meaning of Section 6, Paragraph 1 must be notified to SPORTFIVE no later than four (4) weeks after the cancelled event date.


3. Your rights to withdraw from the contract or to demand compensation for damages due to a breach of duty for which the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER is responsible within the framework of the statutory provisions remain unaffected.


4. Since SPORTFIVE provides leisure activities services on behalf of the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER, the provisions on distance selling contracts do not apply in this case. This means that there is no right of withdrawal. Each order you place is binding immediately after it has been placed and obliges you to accept and pay for the tickets ordered.

§ 7 Liability

  1. The information about the event that is displayed to you was sent to SPORTFIVE by the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER. We are therefore not liable for the accuracy of this information. This does not apply if we become aware of the inaccuracy of such information (e.g. through a customer complaint) and do not work to ensure that the CONTRACTUAL PARTNER corrects the information.


2. In the case of assertion of breaches of duty that are based on intent or gross negligence, including intent or gross negligence on the part of our legal representatives or vicarious agents, SPORTFIVE is liable in accordance with the statutory provisions.


3. SPORTFIVE is only liable for simple negligence if SPORTFIVE culpably violates an essential contractual obligation (cardinal obligation). A contractual obligation is essential if the violation of which endangers the achievement of the purpose of the contract or the fulfillment of which makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place and on whose compliance the contractual partner can regularly rely. In this case and in the event of delay and impossibility, liability for damages is limited to the foreseeable, typically occurring damage.


4. Liability for culpable injury to life, body or health or on the basis of claims under the Product Liability Act remains unaffected.

§ 8 Final provisions

  1. You can contact the portal operator SPORTFIVE as follows:
    • By email:
    • By post to the address SPORTFIVE Germany GmbH, Barcastraße 5, 22087 Hamburg.


2. The address to which you can receive notice is the address in section 8.1; SPORTFIVE is legally represented by the managing directors: Hendrik Schiphorst, Philipp Hasenbein.


3. Changes to these terms and conditions by SPORTFIVE (e.g. changes to the registration process, adjustments to the terms and conditions taking into account modified or new services or functionalities) are deemed to be accepted and effectively agreed by the registered member if the member does not expressly object to the changes in writing, including by email, within four weeks of receiving the amended terms and conditions. The member is obliged to keep his or her email address up to date at all times (see 2.5).


4. If one or more clauses of these General Terms and Conditions are invalid in whole or in part, this does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.


5. The details of the member's ticket selection and ticket order are saved by SPORTFIVE after the order process has been completed and can be accessed by the member at any time via the member account. The latest version of these General Terms and Conditions is available to the customer at any time at


6. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.


7. For members who are merchants within the meaning of the German Commercial Code, a special fund under public law or a legal entity under public law and/or who are resident outside the Federal Republic of Germany, Hamburg is the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the user agreement, from the representation of SPORTFIVE in the purchase of tickets and from these General Terms and Conditions.


8. For members who are consumers and are resident in the Federal Republic of Germany, the place of jurisdiction is the member's respective place of residence.